Here is AppGrowing's analysis of the global mobile game advertising markets in June 2023, based on advertising data from 25 global media platforms in 50 countries/regions. 01 Advertising Trend Overall, the global mobile advertising market continued its growth trend in June. Compared to May (May 2023 Review), the increase in ad volume, app volume, and creatives volume decelerated. The app volume in June 2023 was 24,774, a 3.5% MoM increase, slightly less than in May. Ad volume was 4.13M, a 10.8% MoM increase, and creatives volume was 1.08M+, up 4% MoM. Both ad and app volume peaked in the early days, with the highest number of ads and apps on June 2, at 870K+ and 12,723 respectively. The […]